Adaptive Splint is a kit for mountain free-riders that uses their existing mandatory equipment to provide First Aid in the worst situations; when a victim can‘t reach or be reached by Alpine Rescue.
The project aimed to develop a product that increases the percentage of surviving of the expert user during an expedition. There are already some products on the market, like airbags, beacons or snow-shovels, but no tools are provided to the athlete in case of fractures or hypothermia. That’s because researching with the Alpine rescue, is easy to understand that the solutions and system used by them are not possible to put in the user’s backpack, because too heavy and bulky. Adaptive Splint takes advantage of using part of the mandatory ski equipment to immobilize a broken limb without losing part of the sport experience due to a heavy backpack.

Developed at ECAL with input from Sebastian Wrong
Completed: 2020 in ECAL
Completed: 2020 in ECAL